Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Understanding Ib Extended Essay Samples

Understanding Ib Extended Essay Samples The Downside Risk of Ib Extended Essay Samples Data gathered from research ought to be presented in a logical, clear and effective method. The important thing here is that the comparison should be significant. You have to know about the methods of research so as to create an excellent result. Try to consider the concepts you are going to be using (Test 2). IB extended essay writing includes completing lots of tasks to finish a well-structured presentable assignment. If a student doesn't follow through instructions as given, they may lessen their odds of passing to get their diploma. Many students don't have outstanding research abilities. High school students who complete the programme receive a chance to produce their college application appear more attractive for the committee, together with obtain some distinctive interdisciplinary understanding. So you'll have to do your homework here. Writing is a rather common class activity. Since the introduction has to be in tandem with the remainder of your essay, it isn't unusual for writers to finish the introduction once they have written the conclusion. There is an assortment of kinds of specialist help when writing the lengthy essay. If you would like to do the majority of the writing yourself, our professional writers can allow you to craft your essay. There are professional writers accessible to understand the prerequisites of the IB extended essay. If you're not certain how to start your essay or you've limited time in completing it by yourself, you might seek the services of an expert to finish a custom IB extended essay based on information you provide. Though some students successfully finish the job of writing their essay, some might not understand where to start with their selected topic. Our IB extended essay help can be used by students for a selection of essay topics and subjects. Much like with every other kind of essay, there are lots of IB extended essay examples offered for free internet. The Fundamentals of Ib Extended Essay Samples Revealed Therefore, if there's any reason why you cannot have your extended essay written on time yourself, all you have to do is place your order on our site, and leave the rest to us! There aren't many moments in your writing process that may make a huge difference. A large amount of time and energy is needed to finish the assignment in line with the expectations of your instruct or or professor. Keep up in the exact tempo and you will not ever have any troubles with written assignments in your life! It ought to be broad to provide you space to explore. If you are in possession of a totally free subject, you must identify the region of your principal interest. Only seek out help in the region or areas in which you genuinely require help. Except for selecting a topic, researching, and pinning down the principal question, it's vital to choose the structure as a lengthy essay needs to be long. Also, make certain that your 300-word abstract is very clear and briefly summarizes your entire argument. You should come up with your question in accordance with your subject and the primary theme. Now you are prepared to make your research question. Just wished to send you a note of appreciation for the fantastic and selfless contribution you've made. As soon as you have researched your subject, you should devote a great deal of time structuring and organizing your essay. Please be aware an index page isn't required and if included will be treated as if it's not present. As IB schools continue to spread around the usa and the remainder of the world, a growing number of students need aid with their IB extended essay topics. Some teachers might just take on students as they have to and might not be passionate about reading drafts and might not provide you a good deal of feedback. Every student is provided an opportunity to do a research in their areas of interest. Students in either scenario may benefit from professional writing services for assorted explanations. Useful strategies and hints and the drawn-out essay standards are offered from the International Baccalaureate Organisation. An excellent run-in will betray th e treasure you are looking for. Chemical suppliers wish to present pure caffeine to clients. There are lots of studies on Chess games.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Who Are the Characters in Moby-Dick

Moby-Dick by Herman Melville is one of the most famous and most intimidating novels ever written. Still frequently assigned reading in school, Moby-Dick is a polarizing novel for many reasons: Its huge vocabulary, usually requiring at least a few trips to your dictionary; its obsession with 19th-century whaling life, technology, and jargon; the variety of literary techniques used by Melville; and its thematic complexity. Many people have read (or attempted to read) the novel only to conclude that it’s overrated, and for a long time most people agreed —  far from an immediate success, the novel failed upon publication and it was decades before Melville’s novel was accepted as a classic of American literature. And yet, even people who have not read the book are familiar with its basic plot, major symbols, and specific lines  Ã¢â‚¬â€ just about everyone knows the famous opening line â€Å"Call me Ishmael.† The symbol of the white whale and the sense of Captain Ahab as an obsessed authority figure willing to sacrifice everything — including things he has no right to sacrifice — in the pursuit of revenge has become a universal aspect of pop culture, almost independent from the actual novel. Another reason the book intimidates, of course, is the cast of characters, which includes the dozens of crew members of the Pequod, many of whom have a role in the plot and symbolic significance. Melville actually worked on whaling ships in his youth, and his depictions of life on board the Pequod and the men who worked under Ahab have the ring of complex truth. Here is a guide to the characters you’ll meet in this incredible novel and their significance to the story. Ishmael Ishmael, the narrator of the tale, actually has very little of an active role in the story. Still, everything we know about the hunt for Moby Dick comes to us through Ishmael, and the success or failure of the book centers on how we relate to his voice. Ishmael is a lush, intelligent narrator; he is observant and curious and wanders into lengthy examinations of subjects that interest him, including the technology and culture of whaling, philosophical and religious questions, and examinations of the people around him. In many ways, Ishmael is meant as a stand-in for the reader, a man who is initially confused and overwhelmed by his experience but who offers that very curiosity and studious attitude as a guide to survival. Ishmael being the [spoiler alert] lone survivor at the end of the book is significant not only because otherwise, his narration would be impossible. His survival is due to his restless quest for understanding that mirrors the reader. Upon opening the book, youll likely find yourself awash in nautical terms, biblical debates, and cultural references that were obscure even  at the time and have become almost unknowable today. Captain Ahab The captain of the whaling ship Pequod, Ahab, is a fascinating character. Charismatic and cruel, he lost his leg from the knee down to Moby Dick in a previous encounter and has dedicated his energies to seeking revenge, outfitting the Pequod with a special crew and increasingly ignoring both economic and social norms in favor of his obsession. Ahab is viewed with awe by his crew, and his authority is unquestioned. He uses violence and rage combined with incentives and respect to get his men to do as he wishes and is able to overcome the objections of the men when he reveals that he is willing to forego profits in pursuit of his enemy. Ahab is capable of kindness, however, and often demonstrates true empathy towards others. Ishmael takes great pains to convey Ahab’s intelligence and charm, as well, making Ahab one of the most complicated and interesting characters in literature. In the end, Ahab pursues his revenge to the bitterest possible end, being dragged by his own harpoon line by the giant whale as he refuses to admit defeat. Moby Dick Based on a real white whale known as Mocha Dick, Moby Dick is presented by Ahab as the personification of evil. A unique white whale that has amassed a mythical level of celebrity in the whaling world as a fierce fighter who cannot be killed, Moby Dick bit off Ahab’s leg at the knee in a prior encounter, driving the embittered Ahab to insane levels of hatred. Modern readers may see Moby Dick as a heroic figure in a way — the whale is hunted, after all, and can be seen as defending itself when it brutally attacks the Pequod and its crew. Moby Dick can also be seen as nature itself, a force that man can fight against and occasionally stave off, but which will ultimately always triumph in any battle. Moby Dick also represents obsession and madness, as Captain Ahab slowly devolves from a figure of wisdom and authority into a raving madman who has cut all ties with his life, including his crew and his own family, in pursuit of a goal that will end in his own destruction. Starbuck First mate of the ship, Starbuck is intelligent, outspoken, capable, and deeply religious. He believes his Christian faith offers a guide to the world, and that all questions can be answered through careful examination of his faith and the word of God. However, he is a practical man as well, a man who lives in the real world and who executes his duties with skill and competence. Starbuck is the main counterpoint to Ahab. He is an authority figure who is respected by the crew and who disdains Ahab’s motivations and is increasingly outspoken against him. Starbuck’s failure to prevent disaster is, of course, open to interpretation — is it a failure of society, or the inevitable defeat of reason in the face of the brutal power of nature? Queequeg Queequeg is the first person Ishmael meets in the book, and the two become very close friends. Queequeg works as Starbuck’s harpooner and comes from the royal family of a South Sea island nation who fled his home in search of adventure. Melville wrote Moby-Dick at a time in American history when slavery and race were intertwined in every aspect of life, and Ishmael’s realization that Queequeg’s race is inconsequential to his high moral character is clearly a subtle commentary on the major issue facing America at the time. Queequeg is affable, generous, and brave, and even after his death he is Ishmael’s salvation, as his coffin is the only thing to survive the Pequod’s sinking, and Ishmael floats on it to safety. Stubb Stubb is the Pequod’s second mate. He is a popular member of the crew due to his sense of humor and his generally easygoing persona, but Stubb has few true beliefs and believes that nothing happens for any particular reason, acting as a counterweight to the extremely rigid world views of Ahab and Starbuck. Tashtego Tashtego is Stubb’s harpooner. He is a pureblood Indian from Martha’s Vineyard, from a tribe that is rapidly vanishing. He is also a capable, competent man, like Queequeg, although he lacks Queequeg’s sharp intelligence and imagination. He’s one of the most important members of the crew, as he possesses several skills specific to whaling that no other crew member could perform. Flask The third mate is a short, powerfully-built man who is difficult to like due to his aggressive attitude and a purposefully almost disrespectful manner. The crew generally respects him, however, despite the less-than-flattering nickname King Post (a reference to a specific type of timber) that Flask resembles. Daggoo Daggoo is Flask’s harpooner. He is a huge man with an intimidating manner who  fled his home in Africa in search of adventure, much like Queequeg. As the harpooner for the third mate, he is not as important as the other harpooners. Pip Pip is one of the most important characters in the book. A young black boy, Pip is the lowest-ranking member of the crew, filling the role of cabin boy, performing whatever odd jobs need to be done. At one point in the pursuit of Moby Dick, he is left drifting on the ocean for some time and has a mental breakdown. Returning to the ship he suffers from the realization that as a black person in America, he has less value to the crew than the whales they hunt. Melville undoubtedly intended Pip to be a comment on slavery and race relations at the time, but Pip also serves to humanize Ahab, who even in the throes of his insanity is kind to the young man. Fedallah Fedallah is an unspecified foreigner of â€Å"oriental† persuasion. Ahab has brought him on as part of the crew without telling anyone else, which is a controversial decision. He is almost unbelievably foreign in appearance, with a turban of his own hair and clothes that are almost a costume of what one might imagine a clichà ©d Chinese outfit would be. He exhibits near-supernatural powers in terms of hunting and fortune-telling, and his most famous prediction regarding Captain Ahab’s fate comes true in an unexpected way at the end of the novel. As a result of his â€Å"otherness† and his predictions, the crew stays aloof from Fedallah. Peleg Part-owner of the Pequod, Peleg is unaware that Captain Ahab is less concerned with profit than with revenge. He and Captain Bildad handle hiring the crew and negotiate Ishmael and Queequeg’s salaries. Rich and in retirement, Peleg plays the generous benefactor but is in fact extremely cheap. Bildad Peleg’s partner and fellow co-owner of the Pequod, Bildad plays the role of the old salt and plays â€Å"bad cop† in salary negotiations. It is clear that the two have perfected their performance as part of their sharp, ruthless approach to business. Since both are Quakers, known at the time for being pacifistic and gentle, it’s interesting that they are depicted as such tricky negotiators. Father Mapple Mapple is a minor character who only appears briefly at the beginning of the book, but he is a crucial appearance. Ishmael and Queequeg attend services at the New Bedford Whaleman’s Chapel, where Father Mapple offers the story of Jonah and the Whale as a means of connecting the life of whalers to the Bible and the Christian faith. He can be seen as the polar opposite of Ahab. A  former whaling captain, Mapple’s torments on the sea have led him to serve God instead of seeking revenge. Captain Boomer Another character who stands in opposition to Ahab, Boomer is the captain of the whaling ship the Samuel Enderby. Rather than bitter over the arm he lost while trying to kill Moby Dick, Boomer is cheerful and is constantly making jokes (infuriating Ahab). Boomer sees no point in further pursuit of the white whale, which Ahab cannot understand. Gabriel A crew member of the ship Jeroboam, Gabriel is a Shaker and a religious fanatic who believes Moby Dick is a manifestation of the Shaker God. He predicts that any attempt to hunt Moby Dick will result in disaster, and in fact, the Jeroboam has experienced nothing but horror since its failed attempt to hunt the whale. Dough Boy Dough Boy is a timid, nervous young man serving as the ship’s steward. The most interesting thing about him for modern readers is that his name was a variation on the insult â€Å"Dough Head,† which at the time was commonly used to imply someone was stupid. Fleece Fleece is the Pequod’s cook. He is elderly, with poor hearing and stiff joints, and is a playful figure, serving as entertainment  for Stubbs and other crew members and comic relief for readers. Perth Perth serves as the ship’s blacksmith and has a central role in forging the special harpoon he believes will be deadly enough to defeat Moby Dick. Perth has fled to the sea in order to escape his temptations; his former life was ruined by his alcoholism. Carpenter The unnamed carpenter on the Pequod is tasked by Ahab with creating a new prosthetic for his leg after Ahab portentously damages the ivory prosthetic in his rage to escape Boomer’s jovial commentary on his whale obsession. If you view Ahab’s weakened appendage as symbolic of his cracking sanity, the carpenter and blacksmith’s service in helping him continue his quest for revenge can be seen as committing the crew to the same fate. Derick de Deer Captain of the German whaling ship, de Deer appears to be in the novel solely so Melville can have a little fun at the expense of the German whaling industry, which Melville viewed as poor. De Deer is pathetic; having had no success he must beg Ahab for supplies and is last seen pursuing a whale his ship has neither the speed nor the equipment to effectively hunt. Captains Moby-Dick is largely structured around the nine ship-to-ship meetings or â€Å"gams† that the Pequod engages in. These meetings were ceremonial and polite and quite common in the industry, and Ahab’s loosening grip on sanity can be traced through his decreasing interest in observing the rules of these meetings, culminating in his disastrous decision to refuse to help the captain of the Rachel to rescue crew members lost at sea in order to chase Moby Dick. The reader thus meets several other whaling captains in addition to Boomer, each of whom has literary significance. Bachelor is a successful, practical captain whose ship is fully supplied. His significance lies with his assertion that the white whale does not, in fact, exist. Much of Ishmael’s internal conflict comes from his efforts to understand what he sees and to perceive what lies beyond his understanding, bringing into question how much of the story he tells can be relied on as the truth, lending Bachelor’s comments more weight than they otherwise would carry. The French captain Rosebud has two sick whales in his possession when he meets the Pequod, and Stubb suspects they are a source of the very valuable substance ambergris and so tricks him into releasing them, but once again Ahab’s obsessive behavior ruins this chance at profit. Once again Melville also uses this as an opportunity to poke fun at the whaling industry of another nation. The captain of the Rachel factors into one of the most significant moments in the novel, as mentioned above. The captain asks Ahab to assist in searching for and rescuing members of his crew, including his son. Ahab, however, upon hearing about the whereabouts of Moby Dick, refuses this basic and fundamental courtesy and sails off to his doom. The Rachel then rescues Ishmael sometime later, as it is still searching for its missing crew. The Delight is another ship that claims to have tried to hunt Moby Dick, only to fail. The description of the destruction of its whaleboat is a foreshadowing of the precise way the whale destroys the Pequod’s ships in the final battle.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nike and Social Corporate Responsibility - 1059 Words

Phil Knight and his track coach Bill Bowerman founded Blue Ribbon Sports in 1964. The company started as being a distributor of Onituska Tiger athletic shoes which were imported from Japan. In 1971 they broke away from Onituska and created their own of shoes. The company was renamed, Nike. It became the largest worldwide seller of athletic shoes. They branched out and created various products lines; shoes, clothing, sporting goods and digital devices. They used celebrities to promote their products. The first athlete to wear and promote their show was runner Steve Prefontaine. Their now well know swoosh was first seen in the 1972 US Track and Field Trials. Every basketball player in high school wanted a pair of Michael Jordan’s,†¦show more content†¦They have created more sustainable products such as t-shirts made of recycled polyester and recycled plastic bottles. Recycling old shoes into new ones. Nike started numerous charities and has donated millions of dollars to organizations to help repair Nikes image. Nike must continuously work towards the enforcement of their corporate social responsibilities that they have presented to their suppliers at the same time they must remain competitive in the market place. If I were dealing with the same issues that Nike experienced, I would have probably done the same thing that they did. The need to get the suppliers and factories to adhere to save and fair treatment of the employees along with a decent wage would be my first priority. To openly talk to the press, customers or whoever would listen and inform then that yes, the ball was dropped and we have problems, but we are working on correcting the problems and then outline the steps that were being taken to resolve the issues. I grew up in Oregon and have heard numerous times how the company started. I know people who work in the corporate office and Nike treats their employees in the United States very good. My Corporate Social Responsibility plan as if you were in charge would consist of establishing guidelines that all suppliers mustShow MoreRelatedCorporate Social Responsibility : Nike1312 Words   |  6 Pagesindustry, many corporations have turned to enacting policies regarding corporate social responsibility. By adopting activities that work to aid society and the environment, corporations ultimately increase profits and improve brand image. Several organizations in the apparel industry have used socially responsible activities to rebuild reputations. Today, according to Nike’s official website, they define their â€Å"Nike Responsibility† as: â€Å"Explore. Innovate. Scale. Collaborate. 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A company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives can directly reflect organizational culture and the voluntary implementation of these beliefs, expectations and values. It demonstrates their organizational reputability, especially if society benefits from them operating in an economic, social and environmentally sustainable manner (Global Affairs Canada, 2016). Two companies that portray their organizational culture through CSR initiatives are Tentree and Nike. However, theseRead MoreSocial responsibility and Ethics in International Business Essay1392 Words   |  6 Pagessuccess of companies in exploiting emerging opportunities and tackling their accompanying challenges relies heavily on how deeply they understand the dynamics of their operating environment† (as cited by Abebe, Elmuti, Minnis, 2005, p. 1024). Social responsibility and ethics Global expansion has developed a strategic imperative for nearly all large organizations and their managers. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Recruitment Process Of Woolworths Supermarket †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Recruitment Process Of Woolworths Supermarket. Answer: Introduction To achieve and possess the employees that are talented, competent and effective, the companies are in a need to improve their recruitment strategies and processes. Recruitment is the major element of the human resource management function of the organisations as the selection and recruitment of the individuals is completely dependent upon the recruitment process. The better the process and strategies will be, the more potential candidates would be able to employ in the organisations. In modern and globalised business environment, it is necessary to retain the potential candidates for gaining increased number of competitive benefits. But due to several issues in the recruitment of the employees, the organisations lack behind in attaining these benefits and had to suffer with dropped down sales, profits and decreased brand recognition. To understand the challenges faced by the HRM department of Woolworths in the recruitment of the employees, the report will present some of the most dom inating challenges including the adverse organisational image, high level of competition in the business environment, rapidly up surging cultural diversity, low supply of the workforce and the rising number of ageing workforce (Price, 2016). These are the aspects that are hindering the successful recruitment of the employees and posing challenges for the organisation. The paper will help in understanding the issues of Woolworths which is one the top most supermarkets of Australia. The organisation had its grounding in the year 1924 and presently it is giving employment to approximately 111,000. There are few issues which have been identified in the recruitment of the workforce at Woolworths and being a renowned employer, it is still required to have better recruitment practices to attract competent talent (Woolworths, 2017). Challenges faced by Woolworths in the recruitment of the workforce Woolworths is one if the top most supermarket chains of Australia which has extended global reach with almost 111,000 employees in several countries. Due to increasing business competition, industrialisation and setting up of several other companies the recruitment challenges for Woolworths are increasing rapidly which threatens the fast development of the company. Challenge due to Organisational Image Organisational image is among one of the key issues in the recruitment of the workforce at Woolworths. There are both positive as well as negative aspects of the organisational image for Woolworths as the company poses a strong brand image from the perspective of sales, revenues and operations. But on the other hand, there is also an adverse image associated with the organisation because of the industry it operates. The individuals consider the retail sector as one of the highest pressurized sector which is not good for the people who are less communicative and cannot meet the monthly targets (Mokhlis, 2014). Thus, the individuals escape from getting employed in this industry rather they work in other industries in lower wages. And this occurred as one of the biggest recruitment challenges for the company to cope up with as because of such established image of the organisation as well as the sector, there has been experienced a sudden decline in the number of job applicants in Woolwo rths. Because of the growing pressures upon the employees in respect with solving the issues and queries of the customers, meeting targets and increasing sales have resulted in decreased recruitments I the last few years as well as the employees recruited are also of les competence and skills with limited qualifications. For managing such kind of challenges taking place in the recruitment of the workforce can be coped up by taking steps that can support the restricting of the image of the organisation as well as the retail sector. It is advisable that the organisation must take use of various kinds of advertisements so that there can be a changed image in the minds of the individuals who are in a need of job. The various advertisements can help in enhancing the visibility of the reorganisation it is also essential that the advertisements must explain the enormous career growth opportunities present in the company as well as chance for attaining personal development sessions as well as better employment opportunities (Atkinson and Storey, 2016). Challenges due to: Cultural Diversity Another major issue in the recruitment of the workforce at Woolworths is high level of cultural diversity. Because of the presence of several diverse cultures in the nation, there are both job applicants who possess high level of cultural diversity. And thus, it is difficult for Woolworths to perform workforce management of diverse cultural groups (Peltoniemi, 2015). Many a times the recruitment challenge is related to diversity in cultures and thus the recruitment managers are not able to understand the competence of the potential candidates as well as the candidates also unable to found themselves comfortable in getting adjusted in a group where there are more of culturally diverse individuals. For effectively managing the challenge of cultural diversity, it is recommended that Woolworths must start offering it employees with effective cross-cultural trainings. In the culturally-diverse society, it is essential to have a good understanding of the culture of other people. Thus, these trainings, discussions among each other as well as giving adequate feedbacks on a daily basis is must fir overcoming the issues of cultural diversity in the recruitment of the workforce (Saxena, 2014). Challenge due to Shortage of labour Supply Another challenge faced by Woolworths in its recruitment of workforce is the extreme shortage of the supply of workforce in the Australian markets. Because of presence of enormous n umber of companies and organisations, the demand for the talented workers are rising and there had been analysed issues of shortage of lab our in the retail sector and primarily in big organisations like Woolworths. There are vast business operations that hold because of the absence of supply of adequate amount of labour (Atkinson and Storey, 2016). For managing such issue in the recruitment of the workforce, it is recommended that Woolworths must have potential policies and practices to fetch the attention of the workforce. The better the employment opportunities, incentive programs and recognition and rewards are offered to the employees, the greater are the chances that the labour would have an association with the company. Thu, by reviewing the policies and taking initiatives to attract the labours, there can be managed the demand of the workers with adequate supply of labour (Ruhs and Anderson, 2010). Challenge due to operating in an intense market competition Another major challenge in the recruitment of the workforce at Woolworths is the intense market competition. Because of the continuously increasing number of business organisations and development of industries, the individuals i.e. the potential recruitment candidates are attracting towards the job opportunities offered by these organisations. Thus, it becomes an extreme challenge for recruiting talented and component employees for the organisation. The retail sector has a tendency to recruit the people who have just completed their graduation as well as recruit people who are even under-graduated for the part time shifts. This has resulted in decreased interest of the competent employees to associate themselves with the retail sector organisations. Thus, the recruitment face challenge of not getting recruited the qualified and talent candidates. The lack of qualified pool of employees also results in less productivity and declined business efficiency (Choudaha, Chang and Kono, 2014 ). For managing the recruitment issue, it is recommended that to attract and acquire the best talent, Woolworths must have an efficient use of the various strategies such as the employer branding tactic. It is one of the most recognized ways of fascinating the competent workforce to be a part of the organisation without much direct efforts for recruiting them. It is a way there are initiatives taken by the organisation for developing itself as the employer of choice so that the competent individual themselves want to have a long term association with the organisation (Lievens and Slaughter, 2016). Through employer branding, the organisations or the companies tend to have an improved brand visibility and recognition from the perspectives of offerings employment opportunities with utmost comfort to the employees. When Woolworths will develop employer branding then the recruitment of the competent and talent applicants can be increased. Therefore, there will be improvement in the recruitme nt of the employees. Challenges due to ageing workforce and generation gaps Woolworths is also facings some of the key challenges in respect with the issues such as higher generation gaps as well as ageing workforce. The presence of elderly age people is high on number in the Australian organisations and industries which is hampering the rapid success and growth of the companies. In present time, the organisations need employees that can actively participate in the operations that are based on innovative technologies and know-how. The ageing workforces are resistant to change as well as cannot work in a much efficient manner on such pioneering technologies (Beck, 2014). Thus, the productivity and the overall efficient declines and this weakens the recruitment process too as most of the applicants are of elderly age group only. When there are recruited young employees in the company, there are vast chances of conflicts due to higher generation gaps (Connell, Nankervis and Burgess, 2015). And thus, this also impacts the accomplishment of tasks and workplace en vironment. Thus due to dominance of the old employees who are higher in age, the youth do not want themselves to get employment in such organisations (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). To save the organisation from such challenges and issues, it is recommended to Woolworths that it must take efficient use of the advertisements for attracting the new and fresh talent. The advertisements can be of various types such as on the social platforms to have a social visibility and connection with the potential candidates. Another advertisement strategy could by the posters and emails (Schrder, Muller?Camen and Flyn, 2014). The posters must be there are various institutes to attract the individual who have completed their education qualification. The company can also send emails to the individual explaining the job role, its significance and the various other things highlighting the career opportunity in Woolworths. To manage the challenge of generation gap, there just be initiate discussions, feedback sessions and informal channels of communication at the workplace (Boussebaa and Morgan, 2008). Conclusion and recommendations Having a good and effective recruitment of the workforce is must for the organisations. Woolworths is also required to work on few of the challenges identified so that it can have a better work for e to carry on the operations and give improved results. Thus, it is concluded and recommended that the company is required to improve its organisational mage through employer branding and must also offer good wages to them for retaining them as well as for having recruitment of potential candidates. By following the recommendations mentioned above, Woolworths can manage its challenges and can possess good recruitment process with effective recruitment of competent candidates. References Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014).Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. 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